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June 13, 1996
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Summariser T. Troy McNemar
Participants Tom McCraw
Roger Stern
Jeff Moy
Tom McCraw (LSH/L* co-plotter/colorist), Roger Stern (L* co-
plotter/scripter), and Jeff Moy (L* penciller) were the guests on
America Online's Legionnaires Chat for Thursday, June 13, 1996.
Legion of Super-Heroes Chat is held every Tuesday in the DC
Comics Online area of AOL at 6:00 p.m. EST.  Legionnaires Chat is
held every Thursday in the same area at 10:00 p.m. EST.
(Keyword:  DC CHAT.)  Regular guests include Tom Peyer, Tom
McCraw, Roger Stern, Mark Waid, Jeff Moy, Ron Boyd, KC Carlson
and Mike McAvennie.

DISCLAIMER - Information presented herein is not guaranteed to be
reliable.  Due to the nature of the chats, misinterpretations of
the creators' comments do occur.  No wagering.

SPOILERS - Information that tends to spoil current or upcoming
issues is located toward the end of this report.  No spoiler
space separates such spoiler information.


Roger, Jeff, and L* inker Cory Carani will attend the San Diego
convention this year.

At the time of the chat, Roger was finishing the script to L* #42
and preparing to start on the script for L* #43.

Jeff had to do some costume designs before he could start
pencilling L* #43.

Jeff had business cards printed up.  The cards include an
illustration of Spark from the print that he and Cory produced
for the conventions this summer.

Tentative plans have been discussed for L* #50 and beyond.

Tom pointed out that a Durlan appeared in the bar scene of

Dan Jurgens has expressed some interest in a Legion/Teen Titans
crossover, but has plans for the Titans' title all the way up to
the 12th issue of their title.

Roger read the Adventure stories when they were new, helped Jim
Shooter with his last two Legion stories, and generally likes the
Levitz era.

Roger is writing the introduction to Legion Archives volume 6,
and hoped to interview Curt Swan for the piece.  (ED - This chat
took place before news of Curt's death.)

According to Tom, Tom Peyer would like to do a Klordny
celebration story.

The Legionnaires will soon be seen playing some holo-cards.

Jeff doesn't think L* #39 is the first time that XS has showed
her tongue.  He promises more tongues to come.  (ED - XS' tongue
was shown in L* #37 if not elsewhere.)

Roger indicates that Gates is fun to write, and calls Tom Peyer
"da Man for Gatesy!"

Leviathan is still the deputy leader under Shrinking Violet.

Jeff thinks the Nine Planets Ice Cream shop might appear if the
Legionnaires ever get out more.

Only votes for active members will be counted in the Legion
leader elections.  Karate Kid is not eligible.

Tom wasn't sure if Apparition was considered an active member of
the Legion now.  M'Onel is an active member, but has a special

The creators are prohibited from voting for Legion leader.  Tom
says "Vote Triad."  Roger responded positively to the suggestion
that XS be elected leader.  Jeff doesn't care who is elected
leader, but hopes it will be one of the 30th century characters.

Roger doesn't think that either Triad or Invisible Kid would want
the leader position.

Tom speculates that in the event of a tie, someone would have to
make the deciding vote.  He suggests the deciding vote might be
cast by Paul Levitz.

Tom thinks that if Dirk Morgna gets a codename it should be Sun
Boy.  He indicated that fans should wait to see what happens to
Dirk next.  Roger thought it was safe to say that Dirk would be
very different from Inferno.

Tom thinks that Inferno's fear of the dark may play a part during
the 20th century Legion storyline.

Roger promises that there are no plans for X-Men parodies (ala
the X-Men's Imperial Guard).

Jeff thinks it would be interesting for Jo to get a few more
piercings in the ears and other places.

According to Tom, Jeff is depressed about losing Spark to the
20th century book.

Tom reported that Xanthu likely would not permit any more of its
heroes to leave the planet.

Roger gloats that he's "sitting pretty in the 30th century and
not worrying about crossovers!"  He indicates that L* will not
tie into the "Final Night" fall crossover, but that LSH will
figure directly in it.

Tom wasn't sure if the 20th century Legion would meet Batman.

In LSH #81, Kinetix made Invisible Kid turn visible by agitating
the air molecules around him.

Tom would have liked the Gallen pages in L* #39 to be a little
darker.  He indicates that Leviathan should have seen the swing
arm coming at him

Tom cautioned fans not to rush anything between Cosmic Boy and
Saturn Girl.  They've only kissed.

After L* #39, Triad's three bodies are different ages.  Jeff
likes the way that Triad Purple turned out.  Tom indicated that
Triad Purple should make fans look forward to the Legion growing
up.  Triad Mixed's skirt turned out more angled than Jeff had

Ambassador Wazzo is both able to see and hear Apparition.
Apparition was left out of L* #39 due to lack of room.

The new Dr. Regulus is as powerful as whatever he can tap into.
Roger thinks it would be a good idea to keep Regulus away from
the Speed Force or the Source.

The L* Annual is all about XS' adventures in time and space.
Ultra-MAN will appear in the annual.

Blok won't be returning any time soon, except for one place.

Big things are about to happen to Shrinking Violet and Leviathan.
Unexpected things.

We'll soon be seeing Shanghalla under sad circumstances.  There
won't be any capsules for Hate Face or Leeta 87, but there will
be a monument to a Gardner Fox Justice Leaguer in the background.
And we should look for Jeff's and Cory's memorials, too.

Dream Girl appears in LSH #84.

New  members will be coming up.  Roger indicated that there are
some very silly Legionnaires on the horizon.  He indicated that
the relief would be needed.

Tom indicates that L* #43 (the tryout issue) will be crowded.

Roger indicates that there will soon be a Legionnaire who wears
even less than Gates, and it won't be Dream Girl or Apparition.
This particular young lady wears nothing but a Legionnaire belt.
Tom jokes that to get around the comics code, the character will
stand behind objects that are always in the foreground.