DC Direct action figures

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DC Direct figures of various Legionnaires have been released in the last few years. All of them are in their Silver Age costumes. Legion figures have tended to arrive in waves.


The first wave of Legion figures came out in January 2001 and consisted of the three founders: Lightning Lad, Saturn Girl, and Cosmic Boy. The cool thing about these guys was all the stuff that came with the figures: Lightning Lad had a detachable arm so you could show him off with his metal arm or normal arm; Cosmic Boy came with some small magnets in his hand and some steel ball bearings (magno-balls); and Saturn Girl came with some sort of plastic Saturn symbol. All three came with removable flight belts for the figures and a life-size replica of a flight ring for us (sadly, the flight rings did not actually allow the user to fly). The pacakging on this was unique to the line, in that it showed the other two figures and the Clubhouse in the background. These three figures are all sold out from DC Direct. (Note that the face scuplts in these promotional pictures aren't exactly what the final version is like.)


In May, Brainiac 5 and Mon-el were the next figures, but they were packaged boringly, with no extra stuff. At around the same time, a Mordru figure was released, as part of the Magic & Mystery line of figures (as opposed to the Legion line). The packaging moved to a generic blue with the Legion logo. The Mordru one is a little more unique in that it shows both Mon-el and Brainy on the back, whereas each of those figures backs' only showed the other.


The next wave of Legion figures showed up in January: Star Boy, Sun Boy, Ultra Boy, and Chameleon Boy. For these, the packaging changed to a plastic resealable clamshell with stickers on the edges to ensure that it had never been opened. The packaging kept the same generic blue with the Legion logo, but was about an inch shorter because it didn't have the cardboard back. The back also notes that Cosmic Boy and Lightning Lad had sold out, and advertises the PVC set too.


Ferro Lad and Timber Wolf appeared on shelves in February, followed in August by Invisible Kid and Colossal Boy. For whatever reason, this and subsequent waves of figures went back to the regular plastic blister on cardboard style, and the front of these is the same as the one above. The back is different, though, and varies slightly for the first two ("coming soon: Invisible Kid and Colossal Boy" vs "also available: Ferro Lad and Timber Wolf").


In May, the Composite Superman figure was released (ironically, he wouldn't have his powers if not for the Legion and their statues). This figure, part of the First Appearances series, also included a miniature reprint of his origin story from World's Finest Comics #??.

Need to research these more

Clone Superboy (Connor Kent) and Impulse (Bart Allen) were honorary members, do you include their figures? How about Darkseid (multiple figures) and Ra's al Ghul? The Silver Age Superboy or Jimmy Olsen? The Silver Age, Crisis on Infinite Earths, or Superman/Batman versions of Supergirl? Heck, we even have figures for Krypto, Streaky, and Beppo so far.