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April 16, 1996
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Summariser T. Troy McNemar
Participants Tom Peyer
Tom McCraw
Mark Waid
Tom Peyer (LSH co-plotter/scripter), Tom McCraw (LSH/L* co-
plotter/colorist), and Mark Waid (former LSH co-plotter/scripter)
were the guests on America Online's Legion of Super-Heroes Chat
for Tuesday, April 16, 1996. Legion of Super-Heroes Chat is held
every Tuesday in the DC Comics Online area of AOL at 6:00 p.m.
EST.  Legionnaires Chat is held every Thursday in the same area
at 10:00 p.m. EST.  (Keyword:  DC CHAT.)  Regular guests include
Tom Peyer, Tom McCraw, Roger Stern, Mark Waid, Jeff Moy, Ron
Boyd, KC Carlson and Mike McAvennie.

DISCLAIMER - Information presented herein is not guaranteed to be
reliable.  Misinterpretations of the creators' comments do
occasionally occur.

SPOILERS - Information that tends to spoil current or upcoming
issues is located toward the end of this report.  No spoiler
space separates such spoiler information.

SPECIAL THANKS - To Andrew Woodard who forwarded a copy of the
chat log from which this report was generated.


The cover to LEGIONNAIRES features some computer effects that
warp the background images.  Patrick Martin colors the covers,
but Tom McCraw does offer coloring suggestions once in a while.

Mark Waid prefers the old Mon-El suit to the newer M'Onel
uniform.  Mark understands the need for the new costume, but is
broken-hearted about losing the "real" suit.  McCraw observed
that the suit was impossible for Valor to use in the 30th

According to Mark, Peyer will be doing the lion's share of the
writing on IMPULSE #19.  Martin Pasko is doing IMPULSE #18. 
Brian Augustyn will be co-writing FLASH, but--"in theory"--
IMPULSE is still solo-written by Mark.

There are no plans for a third Legion series right now.

There will be a Legion mini-series, but no work has been done on
any.  Peyer would like to do a Secret Origins mini-series first
with Ultra Boy's and Invisible Kid's origins.  He also thought
Gates' origin would be a good story.

McCraw thinks Gates is 18 years old.  Peyer believes that Gates'
"20" dialogue line in L* #37 was meant to reflect Gates'

There are no plans to produce flight rings right now.

Peyer answered "yes" when asked "plans for Ferro or not?"

Peyer isn't too keen to use Darkseid.  He thinks the "Great
Darkness Saga" would be a hard act to follow.

Mark claims that he was never the Legion editor during the early
days of v4.  Instead, he was the Legion traffic manager.  Giffen
was the real power.

Mark and Peyer jumped to Lee Moder's defense as an artist.  Peyer
described him as one of the 3 or 4 best pencillers that he'd
worked with.  He opines that storytelling is a big part of Lee's
appeal along with design and command of drawing fundamentals. 
Mark seconded the comments, describing Moder as a "FABULOUS
storyteller with VERY expressive characters."  Mark also thinks
that Lee would be nuts to go online because there are so many

Peyer declined to talk about Apparition.

Mark has had an H-Dial built for him.

McCraw joked that Tenzil Kem is remaining behind the counter
because he likes to cook.  There are no plans to have him join
the Legion yet, but they still might do some stories with the

Peyer indicated that there was a chance that Chuck Taine would
become Bouncing Boy.

Peyer redirected complaints that the male Legionnaires' all wear
their hair slicked back to the absent Jeff Moy.

McCraw points out that if the Martian Manhunter was alive in the
30th century, he'd be very, very old.  Older than R.J. Brande, he
pointed out.

Mark jokingly asked Peyer to explain the Winema Wazzo sting
again.  Peyer thanked him for bringing it up, and told fans that
the Winema scene makes sense if you read the comic 100 times, and
he wouldn't deny them the pleasure.

According to McCraw, Triad likes Superboy, M'Onel, and Chuck
Taine right now.

McCraw teased that Shrinking Violet might make a play for
Leviathan soon unless she sets her eyes on someone else first. 
He indicated that we'll have to keep reading to find out who Vi
is attracted to.

Peyer has no Andromeda plans.  He thinks Roger Stern may have
plans for the character.

McCraw indicated that readers would have to wait for L* #38 to
see what's wrong with Saturn Girl.  Saturn Girl fans may have
something to worry about after that issue.

Peyer indicates that Computo will return.  Brainiac 5's reason
for building Computo will become apparent before the year's end. 
Peyer thinks gas pumps can be very dangerous.  He indicated that
the postboot Computo would make you pay the attendant before