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February 13, 1996
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Summariser T. Troy McNemar
Participants Roger Stern
Tom McCraw
Ron Boyd
Roger Stern, Tom McCraw and Ron Boyd were the guests on America Online's
Legion of Super-Heroes Chat for Tuesday, February 13, 1996.  LSH Chat is
held every Tuesday in the DC Comics Online area of AOL at 6:00 p.m. EST.
Legionnaires Chat is held every Thursday in the same area at 10:00 p.m. EST.
Regular guests include Tom Peyer, Tom McCraw, Roger Stern, Mark Waid, Jeff
Moy, Ron Boyd, KC Carlson and Mike McAvennie.

DISCLAIMER - Information presented herein is not guaranteed to be reliable.
Misinterpreatations of the creators' comments do occaisionally occur.

SPOILERS - Information that tends to spoil current or upcoming issues is
located towards the end of this report.  No intervening spoiler space is used.

SUBSCRIPTIONS - If you'd like to subscribe (or unsubscribe) to these chat
reports, please send me an e-mail at "".

GRAPHICS - If you want to subscribe to Lev Kalman's weekly humorous LSH pic,
drop him an e-mail at "".  He'll send it to your virtual
mailbox every week in MIME-encoded format.

SPECIAL THANKS - To Lev Kalman and Andrew Woodard who forwarded me the
copies of the chat log from which this chat report was generated.


Ron is writing a 10 page story for Showcase '96.

Tom didn't know what the Legion would do to celebrate the turn of the
century. Roger believed that Dick Clark might help them usher it in.

Karl Kesel may be writing the DC summer event this year.  Tom isn't sure how
it can involve the Legion at this time.

The color colorist reversed the colors on Shrinking Violets's costume on the
cover of LSH #78.  Tom is working with him to prevent more errors.

Tom pronounces Imra as "Im-rah", but defers to Sidne Ward's superior
knowledge in all matters Saturn Girl.

Preboot comments:  Glorith knew Celeste because Glorith was using Celeste to
spy on the Legion.  There wasn't enough time to explain the Glorith/Celeste
connection properly.  Tom intended that the contents of Spidergirl's
cannister were the ashes of Starfinger 2--the third Starfinger had bumped
off the second for the ring.

Tom suspects that Plevitzi and G'ff'nites will show up eventually.

Tom thinks that Gates makes up for more than enough angry characters in the
book, but that the others do get a few heated moments.

Tom realizes that there are a lot of great characters that haven't been
introduced, but they can only bring them in so fast.

Tom promises that L* #37 will blow a lot of peoples' socks off.  Events in
that issue are a secret.  (Roger likes to keep secrets.  He gloats that he
still holds the secret of the one, true Hobgoblin.)

Tom would like to see more of the Space Canine Patrol.

Tom doesn't think the Legion of Super-Pets will ever come about.

We'll see Mordru when Mordru is darn good and ready.

Thom is a slow healer, and he was really, really hurt.  Tom quips that the
injuries required two boxes of bandaids!

Tom thinks that bringing Apparition back will cheapen her death.  He doesn't
know a good way to return her to life.  Proty will never be sacrificed for

No word yet on when the reader/leader election will take place.

XS has already learned the vibrating-through-walls trick from Impulse, but
it wasn't demonstrated very well.  She hasn't practiced it much yet, but
practice will make perfect.

Tom suspects that Tenzil's spit is always a little bit on the acidic side.
He couldn't resist coloring him in green and yellow in L* #35.

Tom believes that the locals (museum operators) have taken over Scavenger's
lair for their own use.  He points out that there were 100s of things in the
lair that shouldn't be played with.

Are Proteans still telepathic?  Maybe.

We'll find out how XS gets home in Flash #112.  Wally West will visit the
30th century in an upcoming issue of Flash.

We will see Zoe again soon.

L* #38 will give a bit more background on the Titan/Braal war.

Dr. Gym'll is returning after L* #37.

Roger threatens a death in L* #36.  (ED - Based on the conversation, he may
have been joking--take this tidbit with a grain of salt.)

The LSH and L* annuals will be separate.  The L* annual will take place in
many futures, and doesn't include the Legion as adults, their kids, nor
their grandkids.  It does show XS' trip through time and the interesting
heroes that she meets.  The L* Annual will use the DC Annual theme, and
maybe some past continuity as well--but not the Legion's.  Roger threatened
that we didn't know how far in the future he was going to go.  He promised
that he wouldn't blow up the Earth, but didn't promise that the story would
be set on Earth, either..  If the annual had an "L" number, Roger says that
his would have to be 5.5.