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|summariser=T. Troy McNemar
|summariser=T. Troy McNemar
|participants=[[Tom Peyer]]<br>[[Jeff Moy]]<br>[[K.C. Carlson]]<br>[[Kevin Dooley]]
|participants=[[Tom Peyer]]<br>[[Jeff Moy]]<br>[[K.C. Carlson]]<br>[[Kevin Dooley]]

Latest revision as of 06:51, 26 July 2012

March 07, 1995
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Summariser T. Troy McNemar
Participants Tom Peyer
Jeff Moy
K.C. Carlson
Kevin Dooley
Tom Peyer, Jeff Moy and KC Carlson were the guests on AOL's Legion chat on 
March 7, 1995.  Unfortunately, the AOL lunatics were out in force and the 
first 15-20 minutes of the meeting were absolute chaos.  KC Carlson left (I 
don't blame him a bit), but Tom and Jeff stuck around and when the dust 
cleared, the meeting was decent.

DISCLAIMER - They could be wrong. They could change their mind. I may have 
misunderstood. They could be lying. I could be lying.  It might have been 
the Bizzarro World Tom and Jeff.  Take this with a grain of salt.

Social interaction is not high on Brainy's "must learn" list, which is why 
he doesn't speak Durlan.

The White Triangle wrapup is the Legion's summer story by default.  
Revelations regarding the White Triangles will be made until the L* annual.  
The only connection between the WT and the Dark Circle--for now--is that 
they have similar names.  There is a reason for the apparent inconsistency 
with the objects of their hatred, that they are not the same species as 
Laurel yet admire her genes--all will be explained.  The object of White 
Triangle hatred are not directly related to Valor.  The White Triangle won't 
be mentioned much in 1996.

Jeff Moy is drawing the L* annual.  The LSH annual is crammed with lots of 
features drawn by many different people, including Alan Davis.

The creators know the reason that Brainiac 5 uses the name "Brainiac", but 
intend to tease us and the other Legionnaires for a while longer.

There was a mass guessing session with respect to the upcoming storyline 
wherein 3 Legionnaires will be asked to leave (about LSH #70 or L* 27). 
Andromeda, Invisible Kid and Kinetix will not be asked to leave.  At least 
some of the "leavers" aren't on the team yet.  Two of the following will be 
asked to take a hike:  Thom, Garth, Jo, Val, Evolvo, Duplicate Boy.  (Note 
this doesn't mean that Duplicate Boy will even be appearing, just that he was 

With respect to the upcoming storyline wherein the Daxamites attack their 
stargate, it *may* (not will) isolate Daxam from the rest of the UP.  The 
isolation that would result from a crashed stargate is not the reason that 
the creators put Daxam in the Andromeda galaxy.

Tom would like to do a retelling of the Sun Eater story.

Confusion apparently reigns on when the Superboy crossover takes place.  The 
story will apparently involve Valor.  Tom thought it took place in late 
1995.  Michael Leib, the DC pro responsible for multimedia, had seen art and 
thought it was due much sooner.  When I get a definitive answer as to when 
it starts, I let you know.  No final decision has been made on whether they 
will dust off the old S/LSH logo yet.

There will be a crisis in confidence over Legion leadership after the L* 
annual.  There will be a Cos spotlight of sorts.  [I put these in the same 
paragraph because it seems likely that they're related.  :)]  This storyline 
is one of the reasons that they've put off reader elections.  Reader 
elections will resume when the storyline warrants.

The Legion *may* break its close ties with the UP as a result of upcoming 
events in the titles.

The Legion isn't selling well enough to justify a third title.  There may be 
some mini-series coming up.

Tom took two informal polls.  One is whether we liked Star Boy's name.  The 
other is if we wanted Deathboing.

Tom thought that the Legion was going to participate in the upcoming 
Underworld DCU crossover.

Tom McCraw wants to do a Subsitute Legion story.

Wildfire won't be joining yet.

When asked when Garth would rejoin the Legion, Tom repsonded that the 
question was real complicated.

A character called the Composite Man is appearing soon.  He has the powers 
of all the Legionnaires, but no half-Superman, half-Batman costume.  And no 
green face.

REBELS will tie into LSH eventually.  Probably late 1995 or 1996.

Valor is more of a saint than a god.  30th century residents have plastic 
Valors on their dashboards.  [Hey!  Peyer confirmed the dashboard thing, I'm 
just passing it along.]

On an unofficial basis, Tom is willing to say that "monel" is the Daxamite 
word for valor.  (Note, no hyphen is his.)  That isn't official, doesn't 
necessarily represent the DC party line, and will never make it into the 
books.  And Tom likes the name "Valor".

The Legionnaires are pretty young, so sexuality won't be explored too much 
in upcoming issues.

How many ways are there to say "no"?  Kevin Dooley showed up unexpectedly 
and was asked about a LSH/GL crossover.  He queried back whether we wanted 
to see a LSH/GL crossover.  Resounding murmurs about monkeying with the 
timestream were heard.

Legionnaires # 25 is being guest-pencilled by Mike Collins.

The Legion's future has been mapped out by the creators until early 1996 or so.