Difference between revisions of "Category talk:Legion creators"

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(OK, that's weird...)
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Latest revision as of 13:00, 30 July 2006

This is pretty uncanny

I was sitting down to propose a group of pages and categories that form an idex of writers, artsists, etc. I was thinking about it at lunch, and when I got back to my computer, I had already been beaten to the punch. Weird. I guess the wiki had gotten to the point where it is the natural next step. However, I'll ask a question or two since its now a current topic.

As I mentioned, in addition to categories, I'd like to see an alphabetical list of all Legion creators, with links to their individual articles and a more concise listing of what issues they each have contributed to. Although the category pages will pull together the article links nicely as the pages are created and categorized, I'd like to see a specifc page or pages composed so that we can have a listing before all the pages are created and so that we can customize the page a bit more.

My plan was to begin going through my collection (or an online resource) and gradually list everyone. Rather than list each issue individually, which is more appropriate to individual artist pages, I was envisioning listing it more concisely (e.g. Legion Worlds 1-6, rather than six different links, with one link to the article about the series in general if its created). Assuming such a page is created, would you rather see a page each for artists, writers, editors, etc, or one big creator page, perhaps with sections for each type? Categorizing within the page gets messy for people who both write and draw, etc. We could also create individual creator-type pages to begin and then pull them all together for one big page after they are fairly complete (or one big page now with spin-off category pages later).

Anyway, those are my thoughts. I'd be interested in hearing feedback/related ideas.