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Emerald Eye
Reboot » Post-Zero Hour
Emerald Eye.jpg
The Emerald Eye of Ekron
Art by Jeff Moy, et al.
Real name Emerald Eye of Ekron
First appearance (20th Century) L.E.G.I.O.N. '90 #11
(30th Century) Legion of Super-Heroes v4 #74
Status Active
Teams joined Emerald Legion
Fatal Five
Relatives Hosts/Users: Garryn Bek, Mordru, Shrinking Violet, Empress
Powers Vast magical powers
Other versions
Preboot versions Emerald Eye
Emerald Eye
Emerald Eyes
Reboot versions Emerald Eye
Threeboot versions Emerald Eyes
Televisual versions Emerald Eye
Emerald Eye


Times past



By the 28th Century, having caused a Civil War on Venegar Lgs #37, it had become the favourite tool of Mordru - who could override it's will - in building and running his empire. This lasted until the Lady Mysa's alliance finally stopped him - at the cost of all but Mysa's own life, while she was left heavily aged. The Eye managed to escape being buried for a hundred years with the rest of Mordru's talismans by Mysa. Mysa would spend the next century, on and off, searching for it.


After this, the Eye entered a period of dormancy, possibly to hide from Mysa, and was found by Scavenger, who stored it amongst his collection of powerful and ancient artifacts on Korr.

It then remained there until the Legion of Super-Heroes, with Scavenger's old enemy Superboy in tow, showed up; aiming to retrieve a component for a Stasis Zone portal. The paranoid Scavenger fought them, and the Eye was awoken when Superboy threw Scavenger into the casing where it - along with the Philosopher's Stone, a Flash costume and a Hawkman mask - was stored. LSHv4 #74


Rather than announcing its' presence, it watched, and chose to save Shrinking Violet when Scavenger used the Philosopher's Stone to choke her with ammonia Lgs #40, preserving her until Triad changed it to oxygen. Lgs #31. It then boosted her confidence as she beat Scavenger, and covertly followed her back to Legion HQ. It then spent a considerable time thereafter seducing Violet, soothing her worries, boosting her confidence and allowing her to become more outgoing, as she wished to be. Lgs #40

In the meantime, Mysa had conscripted Kinetix to help search for the Eye itself. Teleported away and told her not to come back without the Eye Lgs #34, she emerged into a pitched battle between the Legion and the Fatal Five. Confused, she was just in time to save Violet from the Empress, who herself displayed interest in the Eye. However, Kinetix did not think anything significant about the fact that she had emerged directly beside Violet... Lgs #36

After the Five - along with their benefactor, President Chu - were dealt with, she interviewed the captive Empress to no effect - the Empress, though desperate to find the Eye for herself, had no idea of its' whereabouts. Lgs #37


While Kinetix gradually began to obsess over finding the Eye, Violet began to keep her distance from her best friend in case she was discovered as, under the Eye's influence she became ever more confident, which grew into agressiveness she took down a brainwashed Jan Arrah after he had defeated the rest of the Legion. She was also elected Legion leader soon after the Legion had defeated the Fatal Five and exposed President Chu.

Innocently, Violet then wished with the Eye's power that all the Legionnaires would be granted their heart's desires'. Unfortunately, this swiftly began to backfire as Element Lad had to be talked out of suicide and Brainiac 5 became impossible for others to notice in any way. It hit hardest for Leviathan, however, whose wish was for a heroic death, which the Eye promptly arranged on a mission to Gallen. Having had a longstanding crush on him, Violet was heartbroken by his death, and openly revealed the Eye's power to - the horror of Kinetix, who realised the Eye had been right under her nose - in an attempt to revive him LSHv4 #83. Kinetix fruitlessly said they needed to get the Eye away from her, but Violet ignored them and teleported all the Legionnaires, including those who had not been on Gallen, to the meeting room. She then compelled them to go through the rigmarole of a meeting, before announcing that they would bring Leviathan back to life and sent several Legionnaires on a galaxy-wide search for a means of revival - and when Shvaughn Erin burst in and shattered the Eye with a gunshot, the Eye simply reformed and Violet reverted her to a baby. Lgs #40

Emerald Legion

The Legionnaires, however, proved rebellious and this, combined with the inevitable fruitlessness of their quest, frustrated Violet immensely. Finally, when Violet discovered them plotting, the Eye became tired of their lack of "discipline", and created its' own copy of Violet before merging it into the real her, so they would "be of one mind". The combined Violet then reconfigured the whole team into a hiveminded "Emerald Legion". Lgs #40

The team then flew across Metropolis, remaking the city as a shrine to the Eye. The ectoplasmic Apparition, unnoticed by the Eye, screeched despairingly to try and bring Ultra Boy to himself, but couldn't do anything - but as she flew away in despair, she flew through Saturn Girl and inadvertently managed to free her mind. Imra then linked with the Eye, and - seeing Violet as the key - tried to force it to restore Violet to normal. However, Violet merely shrank out of the way of the beam, which hit Imra and fully restored her. Violet then relocated the team to Earth orbit, and jury-rigged several satellites into a base made in the image of the Eye. They then began to remake the Earth itself in the Eye's image.

However, as several members began to remake areas of the Earth, Kinetix managed to fracture the group mind enough on the Eye-satellite for Gates' personality to reassert itself, and although Violet quickly reverted him to an egg, Kinetix then openly challenged Violet for the Eye, paralysing the rest of the group. Saturn Girl, from a Legion Cruiser on the Eye-satellite's surface, took that opportunity to invade the mind once more, successfully restoring the minds of more of the team. As a result, M'Onel intervened, severing the Eye's connection with Kinetix, and Violet used her connection with the Eye to leave Kinetix near death. Shocked at what she had done, and the fighting that had broken out between the freed Legionnaires and the Emerald Legionnaires, she commanded the Eye to turn back time... LSHv4 #84

Emerald War!

Maliciously, the Eye took the opportunity to send half the Legion a thousand years into the past, while taking Violet herself into deep space to attempt to continue its brainwashing of its host Lgs #41, where it eventually sensed its prior master, Mordru - one of the few beings capable of using it against its will, had been reawakened Lgs #48.

Fatal Four Plus One