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Luna is the only natural satellite of Earth. It has been inhabited by colonies for centuries.


Luna was first landed upon by Terran non-metahumans in the 1960s. It was decades before colonies were established, temporary at first and then permanent. Luna has been treated like Antarctica, any nation from Earth may establish a base or colony yet none can make claims upon the land.


Luna was never terraformed, despite its close proximity to Earth. It remains an airless, dusty, rocky world with colonies confined either to domes or to underground cities. Gravity is about 1/6 of that of Earth. With no atmosphere, there are no seasons and no weather.

Luna is despun with relation to the Earth, which means that its rotation rate about its axis (day) is the same as its rotation rate about the Earth (Terran month). Thus, it always presents the same side to the Earth, the far side never being seen from Earth. (The far side is also known as the "dark side of the moon", though it is lit as often as the near side - the full moon is night on the far side, while the new moon is day on the far side.)

System of Government

Varies, depending on the colony.

Notable Residents

20th Century


30th Century

