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June 27, 1996
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Summariser T. Troy McNemar
Participants Tom McCraw
Tom Peyer
Roger Stern
Jeff Moy
Tom McCraw (LSH/L* co-plotter/colorist), Tom Peyer (LSH co-
plotter/scripter), Roger Stern (L* co-plotter/scripter), and Jeff
Moy (L* penciller) were the guests on America Online's
Legionnaires Chat for Thursday, June 27, 1996.  Legion of
Super-Heroes Chat is held every Tuesday in the DC Comics Online
area of AOL at 6:00 p.m. EST.  Legionnaires Chat is held every
Thursday in the same area at 10:00 p.m. EST.  (Keyword:  DC
CHAT.)  Regular guests include Tom Peyer, Tom McCraw, Roger
Stern, Mark Waid, Jeff Moy, Ron Boyd, KC Carlson and Mike

BUT WHAT ABOUT? - The LSH Chat with Tom McCraw for Tuesday, June
25, 1996, was sparse on news and no report on that chat is
forthcoming.  Interesting tidbits from that chat are incorporated
in this report.

DISCLAIMER - Information presented herein is not guaranteed to be
reliable.  Due to the nature of the chats, misinterpretations of
the creators' comments do occur.  No wagering.

SPOILERS - **Hey read this!**  Information that tends to spoil
current or upcoming issues is located toward the end of this
report.  For this report, spoiler space is inserted before
discussion of LSH #83.  Some spoiler information for upcoming
issue precedes the spoiler space.

SPECIAL THANKS - To John Heaton and Andrew Woodard for forwarding
me copies of the chat log for Tuesday, June 25, 1996.


Tom McCraw won the Comic Buyers' Guide fan award for favorite
colorist.  He thanked all his fans who supported him.

McCraw quips that there is 10% more blue when coloring Uncle
Scrooge compared to Kinetix.

Peyer will not be attending the San Diego convention, but Roger
Stern, Jeff Moy, and Cory Carani will be there.

Peyer and Derec Aucoin have done a LSH/L.E.G.I.O.N. story for
SHOWCASE '96 ## 11 & 12.  Peyer thought Derec's work on the story
looked awesome.  The story includes Vril Dox I, Vril Dox II, and
Querl Dox and is titled "10,000 Brainiacs."  Brainiac 5 will
receive a shock about Colu history in the story.

Peyer had just written a Superman and the Legion of Super-Heroes
special.  The story is sort of a ghost story.  Roger thought the
book was officially titled the Superman Winter Special.  Peyer
thinks the book will have a January cover date.

Peyer is doing the MAGNUS book for the Valiant relaunch.  He
bragged that Magnus would take great pleasure in stripping Pulsar
Stargrave down to his gears.

Jeff's twin brother, Phil Moy, will be doing some work on
upcoming issues of L*.

Roger was not sure who was illustrating the cover to LSH Archives
Volume 6, but he's writing the intro.

Jeff had seen pages of Stuart Immonen's artwork for FINAL NIGHT
and called it awesome.

Jeff indicates that M'Onel is around, but Andromeda is on

Roger said that Chameleon would be using a little more variety in
his powers in coming stories.  McCraw indicated that they may
have a few surprises in store for Chameleon.

Roger joked that if fans voted for a Legionnaire who is not
eligible or in the 20th century that he got to choose the Legion
leader in the 30th century.  He followed with a maniacal laugh.

McCraw guessed that the leader election results would show up in
the books late this year.

Roger stated that both Leviathan and Kinetix are Jewish.

The creators haven't worked out the details of the Cosmic
Boy/Saturn Girl/Live Wire triangle.  He thought the suggestion of
a Saturn Girl/Gates romance was warped.

Roger would rather see a Cockrum pin-up of the current team than
a Grell pin-up of the current team.

McCraw promised that they would be nice to Ultra Boy and
Apparition for a while.

Jeff thinks that XS and Triad will succeed Spark as the most-
often seen tongue while Spark is in the 20th century.  He
indicated that there was a tongue coming up for Invisible Kid.

L*  #43 is the upcoming tryout issue.  Jeff commented that there
wouldn't be too many backgrounds in L* # 43 because of the people
in the book.  Tom joked that Jeff might be able to cram the HQ in
once in a while.  Jeff thinks that L* #43 will take a long time
to finish.  He's currently on page 5, but skipped pages 2 and 3,
which is a 2 page spread.  He quips that he should charge per

McCraw commented that L* #43 would be a pain to color, also.
He'd acquired fresh copies of Who's Who in the LSH to work with.
He indicated that Jeff would also need the Who's Who for the

No Wanderers appear in L* #43.  Roger jokes that they're saving
the Wanderers for Dion and the Belmonts Comics and Stories #1.

There are no plans for the Mess to appear in L* #43.  There are
no plans for Eyeful Ethel or Tusker.

McCraw would like to see more of Mike Collins work on fill-ins
when he's available.  Collins is doing the art for the LSH

Ultra-Man is the name of the Golden Age character who will appear
in the L* Annual.  Roger calls the Golden Age fun, but indicates
that the Silver Age is his real meat.

Roger confirmed that Chuck Wojtkiewitz will be working on the L*

Peyer likes to think that the flashbacks shown in the upcoming
LSH Annual have some bearing on upcoming stories.  He indicated
that time would tell.

The team was preparing to plot the Deadman meeting in the 20th

The creators are trying to have the Legion meet the Metal Men in
the 20th century.  They hadn't been given a green light on the
story yet.  McCraw indicated that it would be tough to keep
Viridian out of the meeting if the teams met.  He redirected
complaints about the Gold's destruction to Mike Carlin.

There are plans to address the Apparition/Phase situation while
in the 20th century.

We'll see Brainy in a computer store in LSH #86.

Whether Superman remembers the Legion will be revealed in LSH

McCraw indicates that Triad's split will last a while longer.
When a fan commented that he loved the way Triad Purple looked,
McCraw told him to wait until he saw her in LSH #84.

Roger indicated that chances were good that a day in the life
story would be presented after the schism but before the next
major story arc.  Jeff indicated that there would be a bunch of
little stories.

Ferro first shows up in one of the Superman issues.  McCraw
declined comment on whether Ferro was from the 20th century.

Peyer wouldn't say who might be joining during the 20th century
storyline.  He did promise that they were not considering Deadman
for membership.  He also thought that Ferro had better chances of
making the team than Tin, and cited the "no duplication of
powers" rule.

Jeff promised lots of Kinetix in L* #42.

Roger stated that there will be an upcoming female Legionnaire
who wears nothing but a wide belt.

Spark has a bumpy road ahead.  She's going to go through an
adolescent hate stage and will get a lot of attention in LSH #88.
(The exact issue number to be determined later.)

Jeff was working on designs for a character called "Magno" and
perhaps some new costumes for Legionnaires.

Peyer indicated that if Shadow Lass joined, it would be in the
30th century.  He's not giving her a lot of thought right now.

Spoilers for LSH #83

Spoiler Space

Spoiler Space

Spoiler Space

Spoiler Space

Spoiler Space

Spoiler Space

Peyer reports that Emerald Violet is his favorite name.

McCraw reports that Shrinking Violet got the Emerald Eye shortly
before the change in costumes.

Roger indicated that they might not be resolving the Emerald Eye
story in the books.  Jeff stated that they won't be revealing the
Eye's origin.

The scene showing Kinetix with the Emerald Eye was merely

Roger thought that all the Legionnaires had received their
heart's desires by the end of LSH #83.  He strongly implied that
the Imra had also received her heart's desire.  Chameleon's
heart's desire was for Spark to approve of his love for her.  The
wish fulfillment will be explained in L* #40.

Roger reports that Dirk Morgna is cured after LSH #83.  Jeff
indicated that he no longer has powers.

Peyer pointed out that Dr. Regulus is a villain and that he would
be surprised if Regulus is dead.

Roger called Peyer the "man who killed Leviathan."  Peyer was
late and when told that the fans wanted blood, he joked that
"Leviathan has gallons."

Peyer killed Leviathan because he didn't like the way Leviathan
looked at him.

On a more serious note, Peyer thought that the arc of Leviathan's
life was headed towards a heroic death.  He hopes that some of
the repercussions down the road will be interesting.

Peyer admitted that there were other ways for Leviathan to stop
Dr. Regulus, but Leviathan did not see them unfortunately.

Jeff thought Leviathan's death was pretty gross.  He commented
that Leviathan was a fun character.

Roger indicated that Leviathan was "most sincerely dead" and they
were sending for the Rabbi and everything.  He stated they would
miss "the big drink o'water"  and joked that they would need a
"b-i-i-i-g casket".  He thought burial space on Shanghalla would
be tight after burying Leviathans.

Peyer indicated that they really were going to put Leviathan in a
big casket with lots of pallbearers.  We'll see more Allons at
Leviathan's funeral.

Peyer thinks that Leviathan may be the only recurring character
that he personally has killed.

Peyer pointed out that the Legion was able to safely evacuate the
planet so Leviathan's death was not in vain.  The Legionnaires
would not have been able to make it to their ship because Regulus
was hitting them with all types of toxicity.