Talk:Pre-Crisis to Post Crisis Transition

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Revision as of 11:45, 14 May 2007 by Craigopher (talk | contribs) (A few Pre/Post Crisis questions)
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I threw the data unto this page to help me figure out how to categorize some upcoming cover images. As we have touched on before, there is definitely not a clean break between the two eras, so my plan is to replace the issue descriptions here with notes that help identify which era an issue belongs to. Once I get it straight in my own head, if the resulting page is useful, perhaps we'll keep it. It probably would not need nearly as many issues as I have included, but I wanted to cut the largest swath possible to make sure I didn't miss anything (basically, I ended it with the Pocket Universe stories, firmly in the Post-Crisis era).

A few questions:

  1. Do we consider the Crisis series itself Pre or Post Crisis? Both? Is there a particular point in the story that we consider transitional? (At present its categorized as a Pre-Crisis mini-series, and perhaps that should stand).
  2. The first mention of Crisis events within a Legion storyline that I can recall is in LSHv3 #16, in which Brainy is mourning Kara's death (published a few weeks after she died in Crisis #7), but per LSHv3 #18, the Time Beacon in the Time Institute prevented the Crisis events from affecting the 30th Century, or at least within a certain radius of the Time Institute. (Which is why Brainy can remember that she existed). The last panel of #18 says to stay tuned for Crisis #12. Where do we draw the era line - after her non-existence catches up with the timeline?
  3. I believe we drew the existing Pre/Post line in the LPH because of the events in the Legionnaires Three miniseries. I'll have to re-read them, but if they contain references to the Crisis, does this mean they are Pre or Post?
  4. If a storyline in a regular Legion series begins before the Crisis and ends after the Crisis is referenced in another Legion story, do we consider that entire storyline to be Pre-Crisis? Not sure if this situation exists, but as I re-read the issues I'd like to keep this possibility in mind. In particular, I'm thinking of the Tales series, which published new stories simultaneously with the stories in the v3 series. They were written so that the v3 stories could be read as reprints a year later, but wether events are supposed to be serial or in parallel I'll have to go back and check.
  5. I am assuming that for the Tales series, if it reprints a Pre-Crisis story, it should be considered Pre-Crisis, etc.
  6. I believe there was also a transition in the Who's Who issues, before which the descriptions refer to Pre-Crisis details, and after which the new histories are described. Will require some research.
  7. Superman 423 and Action 583 are the last Pre-Crisis Superman stories, but were published well after the Crisis was finished. There may be a few more one-offs like this.

Any thoughts you may have would be greatly appreciated. You may have already put much more thought into this than I have, but I need a scorecard to help me keep things straight. Once we have one, it would probably be useful for other users as well. -- Gopher 10:45, 14 May 2007 (PDT)