Talk:Action Comics v2 5

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Revision as of 18:28, 9 April 2012 by Reboot (talk | contribs)
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I'm led to believe that the [Adult] Legionnaires only appear on the last page of #5. If so, shouldn't this be a #5-6 page rather than just #5? - Reboot (SoM) talk page 19:38, 11 February 2012 (UTC)

Sorry for the delayed response. Adult versions of the founding Legionnaires appear on the last three pages of the story, speaking and using their powers throughout. During the first two of those pages, they are shown in shadow or from the rear, and who they are is not revealed until the last page.
In general, I would prefer to give every issue with Legion involvement, even minor involvement, its own page. If the Legion only appears in one panel, then I would still like new readers to be aware of the issue and how it relates to the Legion. After pages have been created for all of the primary Legion issues, I intend to then create pages for cameo issues as well, even if that means pointing out the one panel with a Legion connection. For newer readers or even even older readers who dont have the issue, it might help them decide whether or not they want to track down and purchase it. If I were making that decision, I would greatly appreciate a page which shows me the cover and credit information and lets me determine how "important" it is in the scope of my collecting. Sure, we can convey the same information through combined issue pages, and I appreciate the argument that it might be more convenient in some respects. It's just not my preference.
Another consideration in creating combined pages is how easily they can be found in a web search. Using Green Lantern v3 97-100 as an example, neither issue #97 nor #100 are the key issues of the story. I can search for "Green Lantern v3 99" with no problems - both our combined page and our redirect page for #99 come up on the first page of results. But suppose I don't know to specify "v3". In that case, "Green Lantern 99" doesn't result in any Legionwiki pages. I realize that this is nit-picky, but I want to give the wiki every chance it can to bring in new users. Our hits have increased significantly with our page count, so I'm in favor of more pages rather than fewer if we have a choice. Redirects help, but will never be given the same weighting as a page with real content.
That being said, if you are gung-ho for the combined pages, I can live with them. If you dont feel that strongly about them, please consider my points above. These pages represent a very small percentage of our overall content, so either path is not going to significantly alter the wiki.
Gopher 16:40, 8 April 2012 (UTC)
...much as I hate SEO, you've got a point. Especially for stuff like GL #97-100, where #97 and #100 are almost entirely incidental, and even searching internally for Green Lantern 98 doesn't immediately throw up the #97-100 page - though, of course, the logical conclusion of this ends up with page titles like [[Green Lantern v3 98 - Future Shock, part 1]] rather than straight renderings of the series/volume/number (unless the issue is untitled, that is).
My thinking is that there's got to be a minimum level of involvement to make a page on though, just for the sake of the signal-to-noise ratio - I've taken the links off various one-panel issues in the past in the LPH and just redirected issue links to the relevant LPH page/section itself. Continuing with the example, I don't see that GL v3 #100 could possibly justify a whole page just because Kyle recaps the last story and thinks visually of Brainiac 5, when we wouldn't cover the Oa/Sinestro/etc stuff that makes up 99.9% of the issue at all.
If that page got split, I'd say that #97 (with two pages set in Legion time which debut Cary Wren, who plays a big role in #99) would be borderline but probably worth it, while #98 & #99 would obviously be covered, but #100 should just be covered in the LPH and a note on the #99 page saying something like "next issue, Kyle recaps the events of this story and flashes back to seeing Brainiac 5." - Reboot (SoM) talk page 00:28, 10 April 2012 (UTC)