User talk:Reboot/Links/ChatSummariesSorted

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Man, has it been that long? I was heavy into Usenet at the time, and in the late 90s AOL was a "walled garden" where only subscribers could access much of its content, including the chat rooms. AOL had a DC message board area as well, and for several years they had an exclusive on "official" chat rooms and message boards. When that was up, DC started hosting its own message boards (which I believe are the ancestors of the ones still in use now).

Some AOL subscribers, noted in each chat report, would log the Legion chats and distill the information into what you see. Then the chat reports would be sent to the rec.arts.comics.dc.lsh Usenet newsgroup, the LSH-L mailing list, and Compuserve's Comics and Animation Forum (another "walled garden"), among other places. There was also a separate mailing list just to send out the chat report (with no replies), hosted by Kynn Bartlett (whose also hosted the other Legion mailing lists).

Last I heard, he still has the archives even though the site is defunct. If you're interested, he might be able to help filling in the blanks.

Which reminds me... he once offered the entire archives of the mailing lists if we could find somewhere to host it. I wonder if there's room on the Legion Clubhouse site? -- Omnicom 21:00, 29 November 2007 (PST)

Yep, it was before I was actually reading US comics on a regular basis even for a lot of this - and those that I were reading until mid-2001 were exclusively Marvels (and I have noticed your name, with Klordny rather than Omnicom as your nick, popping up a fair bit while searching :))
That would probably help, if you could ask KB if he still has those archives. I'm spending the time collating these because, being pre-the modern internet, they're about the only BTS sources for the early postboot.
And, on the last part, I suspect there's room from what LL's said before, but you'd need to ask him directly to see if he'd be interested in hosting it. - Reboot (SoM) talk page 20:26, 30 November 2007 (PST)