Talk:Green Lantern Corps/Reboot

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Revision as of 10:59, 26 September 2007 by Reboot (talk | contribs)
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So where was it decided that Our Worlds at War is the cutoff point for where the Post-Zero Hour era ends? The changes I made to this - the Corps was "apparently" disbanded, the Guardians were apparently all killed, etc., Oa was restored but apparently destroyed again by the 31st century, records of the Corps activities since the 21st century are unknown - bring the reader up to date yet still keep the spirit and intent of the GL issues. -- Omnicom 08:15, 25 September 2007 (PDT)

This is where I say "So we should mention the Parallax thing on the Pre-Crisis page then, on that basis?", isn't it?
And, basically, it's Computo's re-origin during OW@W that requires that to be the cutoff point owing to Veridium not vanishing mid-story.- Reboot (SoM) talk page 17:50, 25 September 2007 (PDT)
I guess it would help if I had read the Our Worlds at War issues. I bought them, but they're sitting unread with the last several years of comics I've bought. But I assumed, naively, that the post-Infinite Crisis era began with the end of Infinite Crisis and the new reboot. -- Omnicom 22:59, 25 September 2007 (PDT)
Well, firstly, leave them where they are. Don't do that to yourself (although, if you flick to the end, it ended with yet another Dawn of Time thing that was apparently meant to lead to Something...)
Secondly, that whole period between OW@W and Infinite Crisis is a bit of a grey area, including a postZHalike-yet-not-postZH Legion seen as The Future in JSA #51, Superboy (Kon) suddenly getting a second backstory which was irreconcilable with his pre-established one, Superman suddenly coming from a different Krypton, etc. I'm basically treating it like the various End of an Era "retcons" (where Neon suddenly retroactively became a Darkstar, DoA happened to Valor, etc) and saying none of it counts in the overall picture from an LSH POV. LSHv5 #1 was, after all, published a year and a half or thereabouts before Infinite Crisis #7, but it only got its' roots in "DC continuity" (or what's left of it...) with the whole "New Earth" softboot, which is why it's listed as post-IC. - Reboot (SoM) talk page 09:59, 26 September 2007 (PDT)